Wednesday 10 May 2017

First trip of 2017

After spring cleaning "Sunny" which by the way is the new name for our van, after a lovely little man said it was "a little ray of sunshine", we set off for Abby Wood in London again.
Arriving on Saturday 6th May at 6.30pm

Dad's Christmas present

Monday we went to the Star Wars exhibition at the O2 .Simon had brought Neil a ticket for Christmas. After a good walk to get there! we spent another two hours walking round it. It was really good and we created our own character as we went 

Following that went to the Tate to see the new Switch House and the views from the top....we were not disappointed .

Sunday 7th May "Gravestones and Gothic clothes"

Sunday we visited Highgate Cemetery. It has several famous residents for which we were glad of the map so we could find them. It is very large and rather full! but a very beautiful place.

Then we went to our favorite Market Camden and spent several hours looking at the fabulous clothes, footwear and jewellery