Sunday 9 September 2012

Second trip away 31st Aug &1st September

Following our first weekend away we couldn't wait to go again! so two weeks later we were off again. This time we decided to travel north in to the next county Lincolnshire and headed for Mablethorpe.

Again we found a lovely little campsite West End Farm, Great Carlton. This time we were prepared with our hook up extension, electric kettle and toaster!  Once again we had a good nights sleep and set off the next day to explore Mablethorpe.
Our Van made a friend in the car park!

After chatting over breakfast  to the owner of the campsite and his partner who owned an Orange VW Van, we set off to find the beach.
After a rather "hairy" long very narrow rode with ditches either side we found a fabulous beach, with miles of sand and what we think (after tasting it) was an abundance of samphire growing.

Oh! I forgot to mention we also bought an awning, a usual purchase from ebay, but as things are always meant to be ...the person selling it only lived 8 miles from the campsite, so after many, many slightly strange phone calls on the way we finally rendezvoused and collected the latest thing from the "things to get for the van" list.
Another very successful lovely weekend in our Van :)

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