Friday 30 November 2012

Our first trip abroad in our Van

November and it's our Summer Holiday! and at last we are really off in the Van. 
Sunday 18th November we set off for Stoke on Trent to see Joan Armatrading.

Following a brilliant concert we set off Tuesday, via Milton Keynes for Harwich to catch the overnight ferry to the Hook of Holland. 
I was a bit worried about sailing in November, but it was a very smooth crossing and after a good nights sleep we disembarked to a glorious sunrise.

The first thing we needed to do was fine somewhere to cook our first breakfast......once we drove out of the built up area we saw a picnic sign and headed for that, we followed a tiny little road that ended up in a lovely wooded area with car park and walks and of course the obligatory cycle paths, so we stopped to cook egg and bacon for breakfast.

This was the sign we followed and later found out it was a naturist park! sadly it was really cold so we didn't see any local sights!!!!

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